2 thoughts on “Sunday Morning Dragon Magazine Covers

  1. I actually have issue 7 sitting on my desk right now, pulled it down from the bookshelf three days ago looking for an article.

    It’s interesting that the Featured Creature in issue 7 is one of the few from the early issues that did not become part of the core collection of critters of the game (unlike the Ankheg, Bulette and Rhemoraz). The prowler was basically a 14 hit die save-or-die critter that was designed as a plot hook for enslaving populations of a small town or other environment.

    Really, there isn’t much worth mentioning in the magazine in the big scheme of things. The editorial reminds people that articles in Dragon are not “official” D&D material. And it endorses the new and very cool “The Judges Guild” material.

    • That’s pretty cool. I’ve read up through issue #5 so far (via the collection cd I found on Ebay) and the discovery of the “creature feature” was one of the surprises for me – I didn’t know that Dragon featured creatures that would later become part of the MM that I knew so well. It’s Sunday so I ought to find some time to ready through a few more of the back issues today….

      As for the content, I’ve had the impression with several of the back issues – there are a few pieces of interest in there but a lot of it is kind of forgettable.

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